Are you looking for continuing education credits?
Most fitness organizations accept National Fitness Association’s educational programs for up to 31 hours credit (3.1 ACE). See below for full CEC award information.
Our Association is recognized as a provider of Continuing Education by the following organizations.
- ACE, AIFE, API, AQUA, BCRPA, HFPA, ISSA, IWA, NAFC, NCHEC, NETA, NFPT, SFA, W.I.T.S as well as the National Certification Council of Activity Professionals (NCCAP) and Cooper Institute, ELITE.
- Many other organizations also accept NASF educational programs for continuing education credit. If your organization is not listed above, please contact the organization for CEC information.
- For those certified by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), continuing education credits from the organizations listed above may be applied towards the ACSM continuing education process.
The list below reflects the number of CECs awarded for each approved Home Study (certificate) course by ACE® and by Cooper Institute ELITE. For the exact number of CECs awarded by other organizations, please call the individual organization.
Senior Fitness Instructor is designed for those who lead group fitness programs for active older adults.
- Part One 0.9 ACE (9 hours)
- Part Two 1.6 ACE (16 hours)
- Part One & Part Two 2.5 ACE (25 hours)
Senior Personal Trainer is designed for those who work one-on-one with active older adults.
- Part One 1.1 ACE (11 hours)
- Part Two 2.0 ACE (20 hours)
- Part One & Part Two 3.1 ACE (31 hours)
Long Term Care Fitness Leader is designed for those who serve frail older adults in restricted settings such as nursing homes and adult day care.
- Part One 0.9 ACE (9 hours)
- Part Two 1.5 ACE (15 hours)
- Part One & Part Two 2.4 ACE (24 hours)
On-line testing for nationally recognized continuing education programs is now available. Receive immediate test results and immediate CEC/CEU validation. We also accept traditional printed test forms by mail or fax. For on-line testing information please email